The slumping economy doesn’t mean parents have to sacrifice spending quality time with the kids; it just means they have to find less expensive ways to do it.
Theme parks, shopping malls, movie theaters, and carnivals are all fun, but they’re not very economical for families facing financial hardships. Nowadays, parents are looking for more budget-friendly ideas to entertain the children. Here are some fun, inexpensive ways to spend quality time with the kids.
Conversation is one of the best uses of time you will ever find. Looking back on my childhood it was not the carnivals they took me too, or the games we played, or anything else I remember most. It was the conversations we had, the knowledge and memories they cared enough to share with me. Talk to your family.

The economic downturn has made public libraries a more appealing option for spending quality time with the children. Families are truly surprised to see how libraries have evolved. Not only are libraries great for checking out books, but they also have plenty of other activities on hand to keep children entertained.
Most public libraries offer storytimes for children, access to computer and internet service, mother-daughter book clubs, arts and craft activities for families, cinema nights, holiday parties, and DVD rentals. Library activities are generally free to the public.
Family Game Night
Playing board games is a fun, budget-friendly idea to entertain the children. Board games can last for years if they are cared for properly. There are dozens of board games to choose from. Just make sure the game selections are appropriate for your child’s age and developmental level. Some top-notch board game picks for children ages 3 to 5 include Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Hi Ho Cherry-O, and Hullabaloo.
Popular board game choices for elementary school kids include Scrabble, Monopoly, Clue, Connect Four, Checkers, Pictionary Jr., Boggle Jr., Sorry, and Twister. All of these board games can be found for very reasonable prices at large chain discount retailers and toy stores.

Family Outing or Vacation
Another inexpensive way to spend quality time with the kids is to have a family picnic. Pack a few sandwiches, pile the kids in the car, and head to the nearest park. After the family picnic is over, the kids can frolic and play for the rest of the day.
Family Hobby or Sport
When the weather outside is cooperative, nature walks provide an opportunity for parents and children to talk about things that interest them. Nature walks can also be turned into learning experiences for young children. Families can play games, collect items for nature collages, and also identify the different species of flowers, birds, and insects they find.
The slumping economy doesn’t mean quality time with the kids has to suffer. Going on walks, picnicking in the park, playing board games, and visiting the library are all budget-friendly ideas to entertain children.
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