This one is about you, and only you. We are not suggesting that you need to dress to impress or that you need to conform to society standards in order to look good. You do what you want to do, as this is about feeling your best, through looking your best. On your terms.
You will know those days when you look good. Harness those moments and think about the whys. Start with those moments that are personal to you and build upon them with the following ideas.

Stand tall
Do you ever give any thought to your posture? Most of us don’t and yet this is something that many of us should seek to improve.
Whether you crouch over your computer all day or you slouch in your chair, it won’t be helping your posture one bit. Activities such as yoga and pilates can help to improve it, along with specific posture exercises to target your problem areas.
A good posture will make you look and feel more confident, and it also helps to ensure flexibility, strength and balance.
Freshen your hair style
If you are still sporting the same hairstyle that you had a decade ago, then perhaps it is time for a change now.
It is amazing the difference that a new hair cut or color can make to your appearance, and more importantly than that, it will make you feel great. If you don’t have the time to do this right now, then try a new way of wearing it or grab a few new hair accessories.
If you have been suffering from hair loss, do explore why this might be happening as you can often take steps to prevent it.
Choose the right size clothes
Ill-fitting clothing can be aging, can make you look a couple of sizes bigger than you actually are and can make you look untidy.
It really does not matter what size you are, as long as you dress in that size clothing. Ensure that tops fit you properly on the shoulders and don’t hang off you, that skirts are comfortable and skim your curves rather than dig into them. If you have put on a little weight, you will look better wearing new clothes in your new size rather than still trying to squeeze into your old ones.
Think about colors
It is worth investigating which colors look best on you. This will apply to your makeup, hair color and your clothing.
There are cool and warm tones, and you will need to take into your account your natural hair color, eye color and skin tone to work out which will suit you best. You might already have an inkling as you have noticed that that hot pink top you wear lifts your skin, whereas the pale pink seems to make you look pale and tired.
If you can’t quite be sure which you are, try holding up different colored fabrics just under your chin and look for how it changes your face.
Take care of your skin
One of the best ways to take care of your skin is from the inside out. You will want to eat healthily, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep each night. In fact, do this and all of your body will thank you for it, not just your glowing skin.
Getting out in the fresh air can also be good for you, you just need to ensure that you have adequate sun protection at all times.
If your skin gets inflamed, then it might be worth exploring cbd skin care as it reduces irritation and redness. You can also wear makeup to even out skin tone if it makes you feel better.
Smile often
Is there anything more attractive than a genuine smile? We are often drawn to people who smile and laugh easily. A real smile can utterly transform a face and it is actually good for you too.
Smiling and laughing is going to make you feel good and look wonderful so do it today and do it often.
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