For many OAP veterans, their military careers were cut short due to illness or injuries that were obtained whilst on tour and in active duty. But thanks to the complexities of the VA benefits system, it's not always easy for veterans to receive the benefits that they're entitled to. Certain injuries and illnesses that are directly linked to your time in the military could land you with a significant monthly benefit.
Want to know what they are? Discover 5 injuries and illnesses OAP veterans can claim for.

Cancer and other diseases
If you served in Vietnam, Korea or Thailand then you’re probably all too familiar with Agent Orange. The use of this chemical and herbicide is controversial and exposure to this chemical is known for furthering diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, cancers and even diabetes. If you were exposed to this during your time in the military then it’s likely that you’re entitled to VA benefits.
Hearing loss
When you've served in the military, chances are you may be now experiencing some kind of hearing loss. The severity of your hearing loss will determine how much VA benefits you're entitled to. From working around loud engine noises to explosions and loud gunfire, hearing loss affects millions of veterans.
Paralysis of the sciatic nerve
Back pain is one thing, but the paralysis of the sciatic nerve is terribly debilitating. If you suffer from weakness in the back, tingling of the feet, numbness, moderate to extreme pain, paralysis or difficulty in moving then reach out to a VA benefits lawyer.
Limited flexion of the knee joint
Problem knees? Due to overuse of the joint during military action, many veterans suffer from flexion of the knee issues. Which can make life incredibly difficult and painful. Weakness in the joints, pain, fatigue, painful motion are just some of the symptoms of limited flexion of the knee joint.
Mental health issues
PTSD, anxiety, irritability, depression and other mental health issues can plague veterans after their time in the military. It’s not only important that you seek medical help and support for these but also claim the benefits you’re entitled to.
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