Telltale Signs A Family Member Is In Crisis

January 13, 2022

Your spouse, children, parents, or other relatives won’t always come forward and tell you that they’re suffering. Instead, many will bottle things up and keep them to themselves. 

That’s why as responsible family members, it’s key to look out for the signs that someone you love might be going through a crisis.

In this post, we take a look at some of the telltale indications that suggest a family member is going through a hard time (and perhaps not telling you about it). 

They Withdraw

People in crisis often feel an overwhelming need to withdraw. For instance, they may remove themselves physically from family situations, or they may remain quiet when everyone else is talking. 

If you notice any withdrawal from social situations, take note. If it continues for more than a week, it might suggest that there is a problem. 

They Start Using Alcohol More Often

Alcohol numbs pain temporarily, so it is a common way for people to deal with their problems. After a couple of drinks, they start to feel “normal” again. It gets rid of the pain. 

Unfortunately, if left unchecked, this sort of behavior can lead people to wind up in drug and alcohol rehab centers. Alcohol eventually becomes more tolerated by the brain, requiring the affected person to drink more and more. 

Again, if you notice greater alcohol use, ask what’s going on. Don’t challenge the alcohol use directly, as this may drive it underground. Instead, start a casual conversation where you try to figure out what’s gone wrong. Usually, a person in pain will tell you what they’re going through if they feel safe. 

They Seem More Agitated Than Usual

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If somebody you love seems more agitated than usual, it could be because they are trying to process some very difficult emotions. Usually, agitation is a sign of stress, anger or fear. 

If somebody feels scared about something, they will often snap if you interrupt their focus on the issue. They may worry that you are distracting them from the threats they face. 

They Change Their Eating Habits

Another common sign of distress is radical change in eating habits. If somebody stops eating normally and shifts their diet to something that’s far more restrictive, it could be a sign of mental health issues. While the western diet is not healthy, many people who feel out of control of their lives attempt to correct this by taking full control of the food they eat. Having that sort of authority can make them feel better. However, it can lead to malnutrition and other eating disorders if allowed to develop. 

They Talk About Revenge

Revenge is one of the most pernicious impulses. Usually, it is a sign of someone who feels violated and angry. 

If you notice a loved one is considering taking revenge, be there for them. Often, just lending a sympathetic ear can help them through the worst of their emotions. In time, they will learn how to regulate them, and not become dominated by them.

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