Elevate Your Homemade Gifts with These Tips

February 28, 2023

Giving DIY gifts is one of the best ways to surprise and delight people. Friends and family love to receive something that you've clearly put thought and effort into making. However, sometimes you can feel that your homemade gifts look a little too homemade. You want them to have the impact of any professionally-designed gift, but they can end up looking a bit ordinary. Fortunately, there are some great ways to elevate your homemade gifts so that they look enticing while still showing off your DIY skills. It's all in the presentation of what you make, no matter how much skill has gone into the gift.

Make Your Own Labels or Tags

Putting labels or tags on your DIY gifts is a fun way to make them look a bit more professional. You can use stickers, labels, and tags to add your own "branding" to the gifts you make. If you're presenting something in a bottle or jar, adding rectangle stickers with your own design or labeling can improve their image. When you give something that you have sewn, knitted, or crocheted, you could add a tag that also provides care instructions. These little touches can help you look like an independent crafter with marketable skills.

Create Some Beautiful Packaging or Wrapping

The way that you package or wrap your homemade gifts is another thing to consider if you want to elevate them to the next level. Of course, it's easy to simply put something in a gift bag or wrap it in some fun paper. But there are also plenty of things you can do to make your wrapping look even better. If you're giving multiple items, you might present them in a cute hamper or box. When you're wrapping gifts, you can add little details like ribbons to make them look smarter.

Tell a Story

People often appreciate a homemade gift, but they don't always appreciate the work that goes into them. That's not necessarily their fault, as many people don't realize how much time and effort can go into making something. But if you want to add value to your homemade gifts while ensuring your hard work is recognized, consider including a little story or message about how each gift came to be. However, make sure it's presented as a fun fact and not a guilt trip to make sure people show enough appreciation.

Add an Extra Store-bought Element

Your homemade gift may look wonderful, but you can often elevate it even further by adding a little store-bought element or two. It doesn't need to be anything big, expensive, or particularly amazing. If you're giving someone a homemade scarf, maybe you could add a little brooch as an extra element. If you're gifting people homemade beverages, a couple of gourmet snacks are a low-effort way to add to your gift and create more impact. You can add context and suggest ways to use your gifts with this trick.

Your homemade gifts are probably already great, but there are always options for elevating them if you want to make them even better.

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